Moore Renovation
We were referred to the owners of a well-used, prefab home outside of Charlottesville to help them renovate the main floor of their house. After consulting with them, we began the design effort to update their house to better suit the needs of their family.

The Existing House
The main living area lacked storage, and was dark and uninviting. 15 years of heavy use had left its marks.
Our team sat down with the owners and discussed their vision for their space and their aesthetic desires. We eventually agreed that switching to hardwood flooring and completely redoing the kitchen was a vital component of the project, and rendered the new look.

Inside look
The end result is a brighter, more inviting space that is much better suited to the needs and functions of the family.
The Final Product
Our team worked step by step with the client to ensure that each and every detail was flushed out - from the cabinet hardware, right down to the intricacies of a series of adjacent built-in bookshelves and storage units.